Multifunctional business partner
The right solution for every need: business support from A to Z - your reliable partner for all requirements
I offer flexible support for ad interim assignments/deputies, for projects/events or on an hourly basis, according to your specific requirements and schedules.
Richard Kolly
CEO Betgtenzentren Emmen
Andrea Emmenegger ist eine sehr intelligente und dynamische Person...
Gründerin Fertig Salat Clothing
Andrea war sehr geschickt und zuverlässig in der Planung und Strukturierung...
READ MORETheresia Koch
Projektleiterin Hof Rickenbach
Als Projektassistentin und Event-Organisatorin im Projekt schätzte ich...
READ MOREMarkus Gebs
Niederlassungsleiter Steiner AG
Mit ihrer offenen, unkomplizierten und äußerst fröhlichen Art verstand...
READ MOREEdith Kaufmann
Gerontologin HF, Mitinitiantin Projekt, verantwortlich Personal
In der Zusammenarbeit schätzte ich die klare Kommunikation, die sehr schnelle...
READ MOREDamian Henzi
Verwaltungsrats-Vizepräsident Betagtenzentren Emmen AG
Freudvoll hatte Ich das Vergnügen, mit Andrea als Verwaltungsratsassistentin...
READ MOREAmela Besirbasic
Fotografie- und Videoproduzentin
Unglaublich, welch grosse Projekte diese kleinen Handflächen tragen können...
Projekte / Events
Die Preise variieren je nach Umfang und Anforderungen des Projektes oder Events. Gerne erstelle ich ein massgeschneidertes Angebot.
Ad-hoc-Einsätze / Stellvertretungen
Die Preise variieren je nach Umfang und Anforderungen des Projektes oder Events. Gerne erstelle ich ein massgeschneidertes Angebot.
Pro Stunde
Die Preise variieren je nach Umfang und Anforderungen des Projektes oder Events. Gerne erstelle ich ein massgeschneidertes Angebot.

Durchführung von Briefings, Planung und Budgetierung von Events
- Briefings mit allen involvierten Personen
- Terminierung und Budgetierung
- Buchung von Dienstleister:innen, Services und Veranstaltungsorten
- Versand und Rücklauf von Einladungen
- Planung, Konzeption und Organisation im Vorfeld
- Aufbau und Organisation am Veranstaltungsort
- Abbau
- Reporting und Evaluation

Für alle Menschen die Heiraten oder ein Liebesfest feiern möchten
- Beratungsgespräche und Vermittlung von Dienstleister:innen
- Zeremoniemeisterin („Tätschmeisterin“)
- Komplettplanung des Hochzeitstags:
- Buchung Location- und Dienstleister:innen (u.a. Catering, Hotelzimmer, Transport)
- Ablauf- und Budgetplanung
- Trauung (Kirche/Standesamt/freie Zeremonie)
- Gäst:innenliste, Einladungen, Sitzplan, Dekoration
- Gastgeschenke, Fotografie, Musik, Unterhaltung
- Bekleidung und Styling
- Empfang, Menü, Buffet, Torten

Strukturierung, Ressourcenmanagement und Projektausführung
- Administration und Organisation
- Projektdokumentation und Sitzungsprotokolle
- Aktualisierung des Projektplans
- Evaluation von Arbeitsinstrumenten
- Projektplanung und -umsetzung
- Fortschrittstracking und Statusberichte
- Risikomanagement und Dokumentenverwaltung
- Teamkommunikation und Ressourcenmanagement

Durchführung des Antragsverfahrens und Erstellung von erforderlichen Dokumenten
- Detaillierte Planung und präzise Umsetzung des Genehmigungsprozesses
- Zuteilung von klaren Verantwortlichkeiten innerhalb des Teams
- Kontinuierliche Überwachung und Steuerung von Meilensteinen
- Sorgfältige Überprüfung aller Dokumente auf inhaltliche Richtigkeit und grammatikalische Korrektheit
- Implementierung und Einhaltung des Corporate Identity / Corporate Design (CI/CD) für alle beteiligten Dokumente und Kommunikationsmaterialien

Analyse, Entwicklung und Implementierung
- Analyse Ihrer Anforderungen und Ziele
- Kreative Ideengenerierung und Konzeptentwicklung
- Erstellung detaillierter Konzeptpläne und Dokumentationen
- Einbindung von Feedback und kontinuierliche Optimierung des Konzepts
- Präsentation des finalen Konzepts und Erläuterung seiner Vorteile und Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten
- Implementierung des Konzepts in Ihre Arbeitsabläufe

Assistentin der Geschäftsleitung und des Verwaltungsrats
Interdisziplinär und Vertraulich
- Selbständige Leitung der Geschäftsleitungs- und/oder Verwaltungsratssekretariate
- Koordination, Überwachung und Organisation von Terminen
- Administrative Unterstützung der Mitglieder
- Bewirtschaftung der E-Mail-Postfächer
- Organisation und Vorbereitung von Sitzungen
- Protokollführung bei Sitzungen, Klausur- und Strategietagen
- Vor- und Nachbereitung von Sitzungen
- Erstellung und Verwaltung von Versand- und Mailinglisten

Organisation und Unterstützung
- Selbständige Leitung der Geschäftsstelle
- Erstellung von Präsentationen
- Traktanden/Protokolle
- Sitzungsführung inkl. Zeitmanagement
- Allgemeine Korrespondenz
- Internetrecherche
- Organisatorische Aufgaben
- Offerten- und Rechnungserstellung
- Erstellen von Reports und Dokumenten
- Überprüfung von Verträgen und Rechnungen
- Datenerfassung und -pflege
- Lektorat und Korrektur

Interne/ externe Kommunikation,
Imagepflege und Informationsvermittlung
- Interne und externe Kommunikation
- Betreuung von Printmedien (CI/CD/CB - Konzept, Film, Foto, Flyer)
- PR-Aufgaben
- Marketingkommunikation
- Leitung und Durchführung von Kommunikationsprojekten
- Koordination von Jahresberichten
- Content-Erstellung (Medienproduktion, Storytelling)
- Kommunikationsstrategien
Theresia Koch
Project Manager Hof Rickenbach
As a project assistant and event organizer in the project, I really appreciated Andrea's absolute reliability, her networked thinking and her calm and radiant personality. She always has an overview of the big picture and knows where and when which tasks need to be tackled with priority. Her attentive nature and her constant thinking made a major contribution to the successful 3-day opening...
Amela Besirbasic
Photography and video producer
It's unbelievable how big projects these small palms can carry. Andrea was crucial to the success of our video production. Her approach, her transparent and reliable manner, and her organizational talent significantly advanced the project and made implementation on this scale very easy. Thank you for that and we'd be happy to do it again.
My goal is to understand your needs and solve your challenges

Wedding Planning
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Corporate Communication
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Operating License
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Social Media Marketing
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Management and board of directors assistance
Independent management of the secretariats of the executive Board and/ or Board of Directors
Monitoring and organization of appointment Administrative support for members
Management of e-mail inboxes
Organization/preparation of meetings
Taking protocol at meetings
Closed meetings and strategy days
Preparation and follow-up of meetings
Preparation of mailing and mailing lists

Project office
I provide comprehensive project support, including administration,

Back office

Content Creation
I provide comprehensive project support, including administration,

Project office
I provide comprehensive project support, including administration,

Content Creation
I provide comprehensive project support, including administration,
Andrea Gabriela was crucial to the success of our video production.
Her approach, her transparent & reliable manner as well as her organizational talent
have significantly managed the project and made the implementation of this size very easy.
Thankyou for that and I would be very happy to work with you again.
Andrea was very skillful and reliable in the planning and structuring of our company.
She was very clear in the organization of the filing systems and responded to individual needs.
With her calm and professional manner,she organized our annual planning in such a way that even a large mountain of tasks and intensive periods could be handled easily and clearly.
Andrea has a wide range of specialist knowledge and is warm and competent.
I can therefore recommend her without reservation.
When working with her, I appreciated her clear communication, her ability to grasp things very quickly and her extremely thorough way of working. Her extensive experience in organizing events and projects was evident in her goal oriented planning and clearly focused priorities. Andrea Gabriela Emmenegger is an enrichment for every team, because she quickly finds a good approach to all people, recognizes resources, does not lose her cool even in hectic situations and her cheerfulness is very infectious.
Andrea Emmenegger is a very intelligent and dynamic person. Effectiveness and goal-oriented work are very much her thing. I also appreciated the fact that she ws able to think and act in a networked way and recognized connections well. Complex situations did not overwhelm her. She is a ray of sunshine in the team and spreads a good mood and spirit of optimism. I would be happy to work with her again at any time and can highly recommend her. Every project wins with her.
Still Questions?
Your essential assistant FAQs answered
You can contact me via WhatsApp or email. If necessary, I am also available for phone calls or video conferences.
at the end of the collaboration, all collected data is completely deleted to ensure data protection compliance.
In summary, prepayment as a payment term allows me to run my business more efficiently, ensure financial security and focus on providing high quality services without having to worry about payment issues.
Transparency is my top priority. All costs, including social benefits, health insurance, vacation entitlements and pension contributions, are included in the cost ceiling. this eliminates fixed personnel costs.
It creates a clear and transparent basis for cooperation between the parties by clearly defining expectations, responsibilities and delivery deadlines.
Collaboration has a number of advantages. Firstly, there are no fixed personnel costs, as you only pay for the services actually provided. You also save on additional office costs, as I can do my work remotely ( if required) and do not incur any costs for office equipment or infrastructure. There are also no training costs, as i already have specialized skills and expertise as a self – employed person. Furthermore, you do not enter into any long-term commitments, as you can deploy me according to your needs and the scope of the project. Invoicing is project-based, which enables you to calculate and budget accurately. In addition, there are no administartive costs, as i handle my own administrative matters as an independent contractor. With my services, you have the flexibility to adapt quickly to changing requirements and to react to project peaks or seasonal fluctuations. You gain access to a board talent pool and can draw on a wide range of expertise without having to make long-term commitments. All in all, working with me is an efficient and cost-effective way to utilize external resources and drive your business forward.
Have a question that's not answered here?
Reach out to us in your most comfortable way
About Me
To give you an impression of who I am, I would like to share a few words about myself.
My name is Andrea Gabriela Emmenegger, 31 years old, and I live in Schenkon in the canton of lucerne. My strength lies in my ability to quickly grasp new processes and strategies and to integrate seamlessly into them. I am adept at completing projects on time and efficiently and respond proactively to change in order to always achieve optimal results. Clear and transparent communication is essential for me to minimize ambiguity and ensure effective collaboration.
To maintain my inner balance, I practice meditation daily. I started playing soccer at the age of 5, which has accompanied me for over 23 years and has significantly shaped my ability to work in team. I also find balance and peace in the practice of yoga and enjoy exploring the Swiss mountains while hiking or snowboarding. All these activities are essential for me to maintain my balance and find new inspiration.
As I travel around the globe, I discover my natural thirst for adventure and enjoy exploring different methods of travel, be it backpacking, in a van or on a bike. This variety of travel experiences continuously broadens my horizons in terms of social structures, interpersonal interactions and diverse lifestyles and standards.
You can find my contact details under contact. I look forward to hearing from you.